5 Proven Ways to Make MONEY from your Site
There are a lot of options when it comes to monetize your Website or Blog. Maybe you are writing about your kids’ favorite activities and crafts on your parenting blog. Perhaps you are building your consulting business on the site. Or maybe you are trying to sell your jewelry to a wider audience.
Whatever your passion is, and even if you are not looking to make money, you should consider the various ways you can monetize your site.

Consider these 5 Proven Ways to make MONEY from your Website:
1- Collect payments:
I like to use WordPress for my clients and there is a simple way to install a Simple Payment feature so you can embed payment buttons on POSTS and PAGES and collect debit and credit card payments for your products and merchandise, services, events, courses and seminars, memberships and more.
2- Use Affiliate links:
Through affiliate links, your readers can buy products that you love on Amazon, and in return, you earn a percentage of each sale. This process is especially effective if, say, you review current bestsellers on your book blog or recommend organic baby products on your lifestyle site. The products you link to must be related to what you publish. These type of links are permitted as long as the primary purpose of your site is to create original content.
3- Publish a Sponsored Post:
– remember to label a sponsored post on your blog and disclose relationships between you and your sponsors. – A sponsored post is when you promote a specific product or service. Typically, influencers and bloggers with large followings publish sponsored posts in return for some kind of compensation – money, perks, free stuff – from a company, brand, or individual.
4- Set up advertising:
There are various Ads programs you can choose from to make money on your site with advertising. You run ads on your site’s pages and get revenue from programs that feature ads from external networks like Google, Facebook and others.
5- Launch an online store:
Add an eCommerce solution and sell anything on your site. You can sell products, manage shipping, collect taxes and more; there are hundreds of free and paid extensions that you can install in your Website or Blog to create the exact selling experience you want.
Stay tuned for more options on “How to Make Money From Your Site (Blog or Website)”
Andrea Comuzzi
Andrea Comuzzi is the founder and CEO of Andrea Studios, an online marketing, website and branding design agency, based in NYC. She helps companies build, grow and profit from expanding an overall influencer brand backed by strategy and technology. Some of Andrea's clients: NYU Langone, PCH, Aesthete Medical Wellness & Medspa, Tensegrity Health & Aesthetics between others.